
Invitation to Rest

While reading today’s Gospel today, I imagine that I am Martha, welcoming Jesus into my village. I am filled with wonder and excitement that out of all the places Christ could stay, He has chosen to stay with me, in my house.

But as He enters my home, my joy in being chosen by Him quickly subsides. I see my house and how unready I am for His coming.  Dishes are stacked in the sink. Bread is burning in the oven. The trash is overflowing, and floor has not been swept. I feel myself cringe as Jesus makes room for himself in a chair by setting aside my half-folded laundry.

In my anxiousness to serve and make a better place for Jesus, I leave Him with my sister, Mary, who sits at His feet while I try to save the bread, gather the trash, and scrub the dishes. After a few minutes, I begin to feel burdened. Mary and I are so unready for Christ. How can she be sitting so calmly at His feet, when we are dwelling in a house full of filth? He had to move my laundry before He could even sit down!

As my mind races with these thoughts, I feel Christ’s gaze on me. I look up and share my thoughts with Him, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me by myself to do the serving? Tell her to help me” (Luke 10:40). His response surprises me, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her” (Luke 10:41-42).

As He calls my name I realize He does care. His whole being cares for me. He sees how overwhelmed I am. He sees how life and its burdens have distracted me from Him. In that moment I know He came to my home so I could cast my cares on Him (1 Peter 5:7) and come to know Him more. He did not come to judge or scold me for my messy home and poor cooking. He came so I could find rest in Him. And once I re-center myself and find my rest in Him, He will serve with me and in me. I take a seat next to my sister at His feet. As I hear Him speak and see Him smile at me, I am assured that once I have found my rest and peace in Christ, I will never again be burdened to serve alone.

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2 thoughts on “Invitation to Rest
  1. Yes! I got it! We can rest in him because He is serving with us and in us. We are don’t have to do it alone! Thank you!

  2. It has bugged me through the years that this parable felt incomplete. After all, *someone* has to do the work, right? Your real-world scenario suggests another possibility: This is Jesus time. There will be time to clean later. Thanks!

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